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Summary of Content
Operating Instructions ® Mercedes-Benz Operating Instructions 208 D 210 D 210 308 D 310 D 310 408 D 410 D 410 Notes concerning vehicle safety We recommend that - only MERCEDES-BENZ original parts and conversion parts and accessories expressly approved for the respective vehicle model by MERCEDES-BENZ should be used. Safety, rehabihty and suitability of these parts have been determ ined in a special test ; - bodies should be made and mounted in compliance with current MERCEDES-BENZ Body/Equipment Mounting Directives. Only in this way is it ensured that chassis and body form a unit and that optimum operational reliability and roadworthiness is offered. We cannot be held liable for reliability, safety and suitability if - original parts or approved convers ion parts and accessories have been replaced with other parts or if other modifications have been made to the vehicle; - bodies have not been manufactured or mounted in compliance with current MERCEDES-BE NZ Body 'Equipment Mounting Directives, or if in the case of deviations from these direc tives the approval of MERCEDES-BENZ has not been obtained. Approva l granted by public testing agencies or officia l authorizations do not rule out safety hazards. Every MERCEDES-BENZ service station will offer further information. Printed in Germany We reserve lhe nght to modify the technical details as given 1n the data and illustrations of these Operating Instructions (s.e.e.o.). Reprinting, translation and copying, even of excerpts, 1s not permitted without our prior authorization 1n wnttng. VKT 8.89 .10 RU 2 The se Operating Instructions are designed to provide clear answers to essent ial questions concerning operation, service and maintenance. In some sections you will in addition find instructions for the economic operation of your vehicle. By comp lying with these instructions you can assist in effectively reducing the fuel consumption (energy consumpt ion). Operating Instructions and Maintenance Booklet are important docume nts which should always be carr ied in the vehicle. To ensure continuous operational reliability and roadworthiness, we strong ly recommend that service and maintenance work listed in the Maintenance Booklet be carried out on time. For this purpose, an extensive network of MERCEDES-BENZ service stations is at your disposal. Before operat ing the vehicle for the first time , please refer to the sections entitled. ,,Componen ts" and ,,Operation". Several vehicl e types whose princ ipal components are identical are dealt with in these Operating Instructions . Besides this important optional extras are included. Your vehicle may therefore differ from some of the descriptions and illustrations. We wish you good motoring! Mercedes-Benz Aktiengesellschaft 3 Contents Page 6 Data car ds/ id e nt ifi ca tion plates 2 Component s .................. . ..... 2. 1 Door control, front ................ 2.2 Driver's sea t adju stme nt . . ...... . .. 2.3 Seat belts ...................... 2.4 Instrumen ts and con trols ........... 2.5 Tachograp h .......... . ......... 2.6 Battery master switc h . ............ 2. 7 Steering lock tstarter switch ......... 2.8 Light switch ..................... 2.9 Combinat ion switch ............... . .. 2. 1O Head light beam con trol . ........ 2. 11 Interior light ..................... 2. 12 Interio r mirro r ................... 2. 13 Seat lock - assis tant driver's sea t 2. 14 Headrest ........... . ... . ....... 2. 15 Seat hea ter ............. . ....... 2. 16 Hea ting and ve ntilation .... . .. . .... 2. 17 Supp lementary hea ter .. . .......... 2. 18 Door co ntro l - ca rgo space ......... 2. 19 Engine cove r ..... . .............. 2.20 Engine com partm ent flap ... . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Operation ... . ............... . ... . . . 3. 1 Prepara tions for driving ............ 3.2 Starting and shuttin g off the engine 3.3 Hand brake ope ration ............. 3.4 Starting the ve hicle and shifting gears 3.5 Break ing in .................. . .. 3.6 General driving instructions ...... ... 3.7 Anti-lock bra king system (ABS) ...... 3.8 Tra iler ..................... . ... 3.9 Winte r ope ration ................. . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 7 9 10 12 14 14 15 15 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 22 24 28 29 30 30 36 39 39 44 45 48 49 50 Page 4 Service 4.1 4 .2 4.3 4.4 products .................. Engine oils ....... . ........ Coo lant ...... . ................ Diesel fuels . ................... Capacit ies - summa ry ............ 5 Vehicle service and maintenance . .. . . ... . . . . 52 52 53 54 57 . 59 ........ Vehicle tools and emergency eq uipment 5.1 5.1. 1 5.1.2 5.1 .3 5.1 .4 5.1.5 Engine ...................... Technical data ................... l ightening torques ... . ........... Oil and filter change .............. Renewa l of air cleane r eleme nt Poly-V-belt . . .................. 60 .. . . 61 61 63 63 . 65 66 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 Fuel system .......... . .. . ... . . . Fuel pre filter .............. . .... . Replaci ng the fuel filter elemen t . .... . . Bleeding the fue l syste m .......... 67 67 67 68 5.3 5.3. 1 5.3.2 Cooling system ................ . Check ing radiator for soi ling, cleani ng . . Draining and rep lenishing coo ling syste m 68 69 69 5.4 Clutch 70 5.5 5.5.1 5.5. 1.1 5.5. 1.2 5.5. 1.3 5.5.2 5.5.2. 1 Transmission .......... . ....... Manual trans mi ssion ..... . ... . ... Tightening torque ................ 0 11 level check and oil change ...... Cleaning breather .. ... .......... MB au tomat ic transmission ......... Tighten ing torques ............ . .. · . . . . . . . 71 71 71 71 72 70 70 1e i2 i2 i3 i4 i7 ,9 ;o ;1 ;1 ;3 ;3 ;5 i6 ;7 ;7 ;7 i8 i8 ;9 ;9 'O '1 '1 '1 '1 '2 'O Page !.>.5.2.2 Oil level check ...... . ..... Oil and filter change ............. 5.6 5.6. 1 Front ax le .................... Tightening torq ue .......... 5.7 5.7. 1 5.7.2 Rear axle ......... . .......... Tighte ning torques .............. 0 11 leve l chec k and oil change . .... . .... . . 72 73 . . 74 74 . . 74 74 74 5.8 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8.3 5.8.4 Steering ..................... . Tec hnica l data .............. . .. . Tig h1e ning torques ...... . ....... . Chec king oil level ............... . Chec king the toe- in . ........... . 75 75 75 76 76 5 .9 5 .9.1 5 .9.2 5 .9.3 Wheels and tires .............. Tig hte ning to rques .............. Spare whee l loca tion .... . ....... Whee l change ................. . . . . 77 77 77 78 ~.10 5. 10.1 5. 10.2 Brake system ............. . ... Chec king the brake lines . ........ Chec king brake padtlining thick ness . . 79 79 79 . . 80 80 . . . . 80 81 81 82 83 5.11 5. 11.1 5. 11.2 Electrical system .............. Tec hnica l data ................. Powe r co llection - additi onal co nsumi ng units ................ 5. 11.3 Fuses ....................... 5. 11 .3. 1 Tes ting fuses .. . ............... 5. 11 .4 Battery ca re ................... 5.11 .5 Chec king the headlight se tting Page 5.11.6 5.11.7 5.11.5 5.11.9 5.11. 10 Head light bulb replace men t ....... Three-phase alternator .... . ..... Visual inspec tion of spark plugs Bulbs - summary . . ... . ......... Wmng diag rams ....... . ..... . .. 5.12 5.12.1 5.12.2 5.12.3 Ch ass is and body ..... . ........ Inspec tion and maintenance of trailer coup ling ...................... Ad1ustment of side board locks ..... Lubrica tion .................... 5.13 Vehicle cleaning and care 104 5.14 Preparing the vehicle for storage 105 5.15 Preparing the vehicle for service after storage .................. 6 Troubleshooting .............. . ...... 6. 1 Engine and fue l system .......... 6.2 Clutch . . ..................... 6.3 Stee ring .......... . ........... 6.4 Brake system ... . .............. 6.5 Electrical system ............... 6.6 Supplementary heater . .......... 6.7 Jump startin g ....... . .......... 6.8 Shutting off the engi ne when the vac uum system is faulty .......... 6.9 Fan with fluid coup ling ........... 6.1O Tow -starting and towing the ve hicle . . . . 83 84 84 85 86 . 103 . . . 103 103 103 . 106 . . . . . . . . 107 107 109 110 111 112 113 114 . . 114 115 116 Tire pressure chart 'O 5 1 Data cards/identification plates With the vehicle you are handed ove r data cards listing all the impor tant vehic le data (e. g. vehicle identification number and component numbers inc luding mode l and designat ions of the special equipment , etc. ). These da ta are requ ired when ordering spa re parts or inquiring for technical details. Card no . 1 For safety reasons th is card must not be kept in the veh icle. It lists the key numbe rs for the order ing of replacement keys. Card no. 2 This card (without key numbers ) 1s kept in the Maintenance Booklet. Body number , paint cod e no on left side front cab post 6 210 - 410 Engine cover opened 1 Engine no on L-H engine side 2 Components 2.1 Door control, front (example) Hinged door Door control, outside 1 Locked 2 Unlocked To open the do or, press in door lock cylinder Door and window control, inside 1 Door latch unlocked 2 Door latch locked 3 Opening lever , door 4 Window crank 5 Vent window lock (push button to unlock) 7 Sliding door Door control , outside 1 Locked 2 Unlocked 3 Opening lever Press opening lever, grip handle and push door fore (aft) until the lock engages . Door contro l, inside 1 Opening lever Actuate openig lever , grab lever and push door fore (aft) until the lock engages. 8 2.2 Driver's seat adjustment Standard vers ion 1 2 3 4 Height of seat , front portion Forward and rearward Height of seat , rear portion Seat back Make lsringhausen 1 2 3 4 5 Forward and backward adjustment Height of seat , front portion Height of seat, rear portion Seat back position Seat load 9 2.3 Seat belts (example) These instructions are only applicable to belts which were installed at the manufacturing plant of the vehicle. Forv subsequent installation use only seat belts app roved by us. 1 Tongue 2 Bucl Vent1lat1on and defros ting nozzles for side windows (page 20) Light switch (page 15) Coo lant temperature gauge (page 46) Indicator lights Speedometer or tachograph (page 14) Selector lever pos 1t1on indicato r - MB automat ic transmis sion (page 41) or fuel gauge Choke control 210, 310, 410 (page 37) Switches I lea 1ing and ventilation (page 20) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 12 Plug socket Glove box Cover, fuse box (page 8 1) Radio Asht ray Engine cove r (page 28) Clock Steering lock starter switch (page 15) Horn 19 Fuel gauge or operating hour meter 20 Combination switch (page 16) 2 1 Lever , engine compar tment flap (page 29) ~ I liyh beam Iii] Interior light - bus ~ D1fferent1al lock , rear axle (page 42) RU Choke control (page 37) filij Preglowing (page 36) 5-Xi 5-Xi B Ill Turn signal indica tor light - tractor Turn signa l ind icator light - trailer Rotary flashing beacon Step D • ABS (page 48) Dump body lrn Iii ~ m Shift lock power take-off, (page 43) Cha rge indicator light (page 46) Brake fluid and brake pad wear (page 46) Oil pres sure - engine t?J • Heated rear window Supp lementary heater - operat ion indicator light (page 22) ~witches Blower (page 20) Heated rear window Rotary flashing beacon Seat l1ea ter (page 19 ) [ii.]Interior light - bus la Dump body M Hazard warning flasher system with ind icator light m Supp lementary heater (page 22) 13 2.5 Tachograph (examp le) 1 2 3 4 5 Time group knob Speedomete r Speed warning ligh t Clock function con trol light Function cont rol light 2.6 Battery master switch Battery maste r switch on seat base 1 Switched on All consu ming units can be switched on. 2 Switched off All consum ing units are disconnec ted from the batte ry. The actuation lever can be pulled off. 14 2.7 Stee ring lock/starter switch Steering lock 0 In this position the key can be inserted or removed. When the key 1s withdrawn, the steering is locked. 1 Steering unlocked 2 Driving posit ion 3 Starting posit ion Ca ution! Never lock the steering if the vehicle is rolling. Starte r sw itch 0 In this position the key can be inserted or removed. 2 Driving position 3 Starting position 2.8 :;i ~ "' c, Light switch 0 Off position 1 Parking lights 2 Headl ights (Vehicles with automatic headl ight switch-off system: Only while the engine is runnin g and the ch arge indicator light has gone out). 3 Standing lights, right 4 Standing lights, left A Fog lights on in position 1 or 2 B Fog lights plus rear fog light with indicator light on in positio n 1 or 2 15 2.9 Combination switch Low beam High bea m Head light flasher Turn signa l ligh ts, right Up to poi nt of resistance = brief flash ing. Beyond point of resis tance (engagement) 5 Tu rn signal lights, left Up to po int of res istance = brief flashing. Beyond po int of resis tance (engagement) 2 3 4 " = continuous flashing. = cont inuous flash ing. 6 Windshie ld wiper ,,O" Switched off ,,I" Interm ittent wiping ,,II" Low speed ,,Ill " High speed 7 Winds hield washer system - headl ight cleaning sys tem Press switch = sw itched on. The head light cleaning system (optio nal) is only operated when the veh icle lights are switched on. Check wiper blades regula rly for soi ling and damage. 16 ly 2.10 Headlight beam control 0 Norma l position I Vehicle with maximum load (with evenly spread load) II Vehicle with maximum load (with large part of load shifted to rear axle ) 2.11 Interior light Switc h positions 1 On 2 Off 3 Light is switched on and off by the ·door contact. 17 2.12 Interior mirror Operating lever 1 Normal pos ition 2 Dimmed posit ion 2.13 Seat lock - assistant driver's seat 1 Unlocking, right 2 Unlocking , left Operate lever , tilt seat forward or backward until lock engages . 18 ~r's 2.14 Headrest (exampl e) I He ight and inclinat ion of headre st can be adjusted. 2.15 Seat -~n=~ .·::::;::mrc::;:t:[J:I'n'i}:f heater '.•:-//::::, ;;;.:::::::::;,:::: Control switch Press upper end (II) = fast heating Center pos ition = sw itched off Press lowe r end (I) = continuous operation If the e ngine is off, do not engage po ~ition ,,fast heat ing " for longer than is abso lute ly necessary. 19 2.16 Heating and ventilation Control levers are infinitely variab le Blower switch Press upper end (II) = speed 2 Center position = off Press lower end (I) = speed 1 2 Air flaps for windsh ield (ventilation or defrost ing) Lever positions: left closed right = open 3 Water control valve Lever positions: left = cold right = warm 20 4 Air flaps for footwell (ventilation or heating) Lever positions: left = closed right = open 5 Ventilation and defrosting nozzles 6 Ventilation and heating nozzles 7 Ventilation and defrosting nozzles, adjustable. The nozzles can be opened and closed with the lever in the nozzles . t 1tt11umcurnples Heater fully on: W1111l11w rh1lrosting : Ven tilat ion fully on: J'l NS )().:1 ver 21 2.17 Supplementary heater (optional extra) The supplementa ry heater can be operated with the vehic le engine shut off or running. Switch on supplementa ry heater for app rox. 5 minutes at least once a mon th. Hot-air supplementary heater Switching on : 1 Switch, supplemen tary heater 2 Leve r, heater water control valve - Switch on battery master switch (optiona l extra). - Press supp lementary heater switch at lower end. The operation indicato r light on the instrument panel comes on. After approx. 2 minutes the heater will start Switching off: - Press supp lementary heater switch at upper end. The operat ion indicator light goes out. The heater is cut out automatically after a 2 minute lag. Hot-water supplementary heater Switching on: - Switch on battery master switch (optional extra ). - Push heater control valve lever all the way to the right. - Press supplemen tary heater switch at lower end. The operat ion indicator light on the instrumen t panel comes on . After approx. 1 minute the heate r will start. Switching off : - Press supp lementary heate r switch at upper end . The operation indicator light goes out. The heater is cut out automatically after a 21/2 minute lag. 22 Timer (hot-water supplementary heater, optional extra) 1t art. ht ,t rt. ht 11111111 ·,upplementary heater freld I ( 11h11,,<1 I t11volvrngdial t ',111t111r, knob II •,w111h, dral illumination I 11 •,wrtch on, press in switch and 111111to the right Io •;wrtch off, turn switch to the h•II 1 Programmed heating Switching on: Example: The supplementary heater is to start at 10:00 hours the next morning, the time switch should be set at 18:00 hours on the previous evening. - Set rotating dial to have graduation 18 coincide with the right edge of the colored field. - Turn setting knob with its pointed end clockwise beyond graduation 10. Then reverse it to 10. - The heater switches itself on automatically at the preselected time. The operat ion indicator light on the instrument panel comes on. Switching off: - Turn setting handle counterc lockwise to the end of the colored field. When doing this, some resistance must be overcome . Caution: Do not apply force when turning the setting knob. The operation indicator light goes out. The heater is automatically switched off after an approximate 2112 minute lag. - After a maximum of 1 hour the supplementary heater switches off automatically. 2 Immed iate heating Switching on: - Turn setting knob clockwise beyond the colored field and then reverse to the right edge of the colored field. The operation indicator light on the instrument panel comes on. After approx. 1 minute the heater will start. Switching off: - Turn setting handle counterclockwise to the end of the colored field. When doing this, some resistance must be overcome. Caution: Do not apply force when turning the setting knob. The operation indicator light goes out. The heater is automatically switched off approximately after a 21 / 2 minute lag. - After a maximum of 1 hour the supplementary heater switches off automatically. 23 2.18 Door contro l - cargo space Rear. door Door control, outside (example) 1 Unlocked To open the doo r, press in door lock cylinder 2 Locked Door control , inside 1 Door latch unlocked 2 Door latch locked 3 Opening lever of 1st door 4 Lock of 2nd door To open , swing hand le up. 21 ~~ 1 4 IE Van with high roof 24 Opening angle 90 ° 1 Locking hook Open door 90 ° and engage locking hook. 2 Clamp Fasten locking hook before closing the door. Opening angle 180° 1 Locking hook 2 Door check Disengage locking hook, swing door check inward . Open door 180° and engage locking hook. Prior to closing the door, engage door check. Attach lock ing hook. 25 Opening angle 270 ° 1 Door lock Disengage locking hook, swing door check inward. Open door 270 ° . Engage lock. To unlock, pull forward latch 1n the door lock. Prior to closing the door, engage doo r check. Fasten locking hook. Sliding door (example} Door con trol, outside Locked 2 Unlocked 1 To open the door, press 1n door lock cylinder, grab hand le and push door rearward to the stop. To close the door, grab handle and push door forward until the door lock engages. 26 e ~ ! Doo r co ntrol, insid e 1 Door latch unlocked 2 Door latch locked 3 Opening lever, doo r Childproof lock (rea r door and sliding door) Actuate safety catch (e. g. with the steering lock key) 1 Unlock ed 2 Locked The doo r ca n be opened from outside only. 27 2.19 Engine cover Opening the eng ine co ver 1 Clamp Note: Prio r to the detachment of the>Pngrne cover, remove d river's se at. 28 2.20 Engine compartment flap Ope ning the engine co mpartment flap 1 Leve r 2 Safety hook - Operate lever The engine compartment flap opens to the stop of the safety hook. - Actuate safety hook - Swing engine compartmen t flap up until the catch engages. Clos ing the engine co mpartmen t flap 3 Safety catch - Lift engine co mpartmen t flap - Unlock catch - Swing down engine compartment flap and engage tn lock. 29 3 Operation 3.1 .Preparations for driving Check the following items daily : - Acc essibility and compl eteness of the emergency equipment, e. g. first aid kit, hazard warning trian gle, fire ext1ngu1sher Prior to starting the engine - Fuel reserve - Vehicle lighting , turn signal and stop lights After having started the engine Cargo truck (example) 1 Filler hole - fue l tank - Engine oil pressure - Steering free play - Tachograph for proper function Fuel reserve Insert key in steering lock and turn to driving pos ition . Che ck fuel level on fuel gauge , replenish if necessa ry Prior to filling the fuel tank , shut off engine and supp lementary heater . Do not fill fuel tank to the bnm. Fuel quality refer to sec tions 4.3 and 4.4 . Vehicle lighting , turn signal and stop lights Delivery van 1 Filler ho le - fuel tank 30 The lighting system includin g the stop lights must be checked daily for good condit ion and clean lenses. Bulbs, refer to section 5.11 .9 . Steering free play Manual steering As soo n as any play is felt at the steering wheel, have steering gear and steering linkage inspected at a MERCEDES-BENZ service station. Power steering Play in the steering shou ld only be checked when the engine is running. The wheels must start moving when the steering whee l is turned approx. 30 mm . If they do not move, have stee ring gear and linkage inspected at a MERCEDES-BENZ service station. l, Tachograph function control light I I ""' ltUII l .Ulllrol hght The contro l light comes on: - if no chart is inserted, - if the tachograph is defective , - if the tachograph is opened. 31 Check at regular intervals: (for exam ple once a week or whenever you reluel) Engine cornpanrneni flap oponeu (208 D - 410 D) 1 011dipsti ck 2 011filler nec k - Oil level in engine - Coolant leve l - Hydra ulic clutc h con trol , hydraulic different ial lock con tro l and hydraulic brake system - fluid level - Power stee ring - o il level - Winds hield washer sys tem , headlight washer system - fluid level - Soiling of air cleaner - Batteries - fluid leve l - Tra iler coup ling - Inflation pressure and condition of tires - Seat belts - Engine, transm ission, live axle, steering system, cooling and heating system· for leaks Oil level in engine - Opening the engine compartmen t flap Chec king oi l level: - Engine at normal operating temperature The engine should have been at this temperature for some time . - Veh icle stand ing on level ground. - Wait at least 2 minutes after switching off engine. The oil must be between the bottom and top marks on the dipstick. Do not top up above max. mark. Caution! Use only engine oils of the approved SAE classes. Refer to sec tion 4.1 . - Close eng ine compartment flap. 32 Coolant level Only check the coo lan t level at a temperatur e of less than 50° C1122° F. Remove cap of coo la nt expans ion tank . The expansio n tank must be filled to the brim of the filler neck. If coolant must be replenished , - open water control valve of the heater. - top up to the brim of the filler nec k. For the composition of the coo lant and the quali ty of the water, refer to section 4.2. - replace cap of coo lant expansion tank and tighten to the stop. - run engine br iefly at varying speeds . - check coo lant level and top up , if required . for I 111111111.0111partrnen t llap upu ned (t:xampl c) t I ill,., hol e - coo lant 1h. ,~11 llurd rese rvoir Hydraulic clutch control, hydrau lic differential lock control and hydraulic brake system - fluid level The reservoir must always be filled sufficiently. Do not fill above upper marking (maximum marking ). If brake fluid needs to be rep lenis hed , have the hydraul ic system inspected . Use only tested and recomm ended brake fluid brands for replenishment or renewal. Observe boiling point (DOT 4 plus). Refer to section 4.4. Replace brake fluid once a year , most suitab ly in sp ring. Power steering - oil level ,,11111• compar tment llap opened (example) t I 111wurs teering orl reservoir - o,I dipstick With the engine running the oil level must be between the upper and the lowe r dipstick mark ing . · 33 Windshield washer system, headlight washer system - fluid level Add MERCEDES-BENZ windshield washing detergent S for summe r or W for winter to the water. Observe m1x1ngratio. Soiling of air cleaner In the case of heavy dust accumulation , check weekly; in extreme cases , check daily. Vehicles with maintenance 1nd1 cato1 2 08 D - 410 D Eny ,ne co ,npartn ,enl flap opened (example) 1 Rese rvo u of w1ndsl11eltl washer sys tem, t1eadllgl1t wastler sys tem Inspection - If the entire red field in the maintenance indicator is visible , press push button to disengage the red field. - Run the warmed-up engine at full throttle (accelerator fully depressed) and observe maintenance indicator . If the red field engages, renew filter element. Refer to sect ion 5.1 .4. - Press push button to disengag e the red field. Batteries - fluid level The batteries are located below the driver 's and assistant driver 's seats. The electro lyte level in each cell must be approx. 15 mm above the upper edge of the plates. Only rep lenish with d1st1lled water. During the hot season , check battery elec trolyte level more frequently. Trailer coupling Serv,ce 1nd1cator for paper air cleaner 1 lnspectton glass for colored field 2 Pusl1 bult on 34 Check trailer coup ling for firm attachmen t. See sec tion 5 .12.1. When coup ling the trailer, test function. See sect ion 3.8. Inflation pressure and condition of tires Condi tion: Check tires for even tread wear. depth of tread (to comply with legal requ ireme nts ) and ex terio r damage Remove fore ign bodies from trea d and between the tires (twin wheels) k 1e of If required , inter change front and rear wheels (e. g. if trea d edges are feathered). The d irection of rotation of the wheels shou ld remain the same. For whee l change, refer to sec tion 5.9.3. Inflation pressure : Check inflation pre ssure (including spare wheel) on cold tires. The pressure differe ntial of the tires on one axle must not exceed 0 .1 bar ( 1.4 psi). If the inflation pressure 1s too low on 1nd1 v1dual tires, check valves , wheels and tires for leaks. Ca ution : Too low an inflation pressure reduces operational safety and tire service life. High speed operation or hot weather may increase the inflation pressure as much as 1 ba r (14 psi). Never bleed any arr since the pressure will othe rwise drop below specificat ions . For tires and inflat ion pressure , refer to ,,tire pressure chart" (last page ). Sea t belts The inert ia ree l must stop the sea t belt unw ind ing further if the vehic le - is braked or accelerated - is corne ring - or when the belt is pulled out quickly . Inspect be lts visua lly for damage. Renew damaged seat belts. 35 3.2 Starting and shutting off the engine Adhe~e to specific measures before sta1t1ngan engine for the first time after it has been laid up for an extended pe110d. Refer to section 5.15. - Shift transm ission to neutral (MB automatic transmission selector lever pos ition ,,P" or .,N"). - Switch on battery master switch (Optional extra). - Engage hand brake or service brake 208 D - 410 D 1 Steering lock (example) Starting the engine: - Insert key 1n steer ing lock and turn to t.lnv1ngposition. The ..charge", the .,011 pressu re" and the ,,preglow" md1cator lights must come on. When the ,.preg low ing" indicator light goes out, this is an indicat ion that the engine can be started. When the engine 1s at operating tempe rature the ,,preg low ing" indicator light comes on only briefly and tt,e engine can be started immediately . - Start engine with steering lock key At low ambient temperatur es (below O" C 32 ° F), depress both accelerator and clutch pedal fully while starting the eng ine. - Release steer ing lock key after the engine has started firing , ease off the accelerator. Shutting off the engine: - Take foot off accelerator - Turn key to position .,O". For shutt ing off the engine when the vacuum system is faulty, refer to section 6.8. Indicator lights (208 D - 4 1O 0) 1 Preglowing 1nd,cator light 2 Charge ,nd,cator light 3 O,I pressure - eng,ne 36 Notes - Prior to repeating the starting process, turn key in steering lock back to the stop. - The ,,charge" indicator light goes out as soon as idle speed has been exceeded once. - Chec k oil pressure warning light 1mmed1ately after starting.Should the oil lu pressure warning light fail to go out, shut off engine immedia tely and determine cause. - The engine should never be shut off at a coo lant temperature above normal (pointer of temperatu re gauge almost at red marking), e. g. afte r opera tion in mo untainous areas, but should be allowed to idle for abou t ano ther 1 - 2 minutes. has 210 - 410 Starting the engine: Vehic les without catalys t - Insert steeri ng lock key and turn to driving posit ion. The ,,charge" and ,,011 p ressu re" indicator lights must come on. - Start engine w ith steering lock key. be ator 1 1d Vehicles with manua l transmission To start the cold engine, pull out choke con trol all the way. With a coolant te mperatu re of less than 60°C 140 ° F, pull out choke contro l only halfway. The ,,choke co ntrol" indicator light comes on. When starti ng a cold eng ine, fully depress the accelerator once and release. To start the hot engine, slow ly depress acce lerato r while starting. Vehicles with automatic transm ission When starting a cold engine, fully depress the acce lerator once and release. To start the hot engine , slowly depress accele rator while start ing. - Release stee ring lock key afte r the eng ine has started firing , ease off the acce lerator . 111 It, .t1u, lights (2 10 - 410) I ' fluke con trol ' I lluka con trol I 11,1pressure - &ny111e Vehicles with manual transm1ss1on Push back choke con trol until the engine runs smoo thly. On a hot engine push choke control fully in. The ,,choke control" indicator light goes out. 37 Vehic les equipped with cata lyst - Insert stee ring lock key ancl turn to driv ing position. The ,,charge" and ,,0 11 pressu re" indicator lights must come on . - Start engine w ith stee ring lock key. - Re lease key after the engine has started firing. Shutting off the engine: - Take foot off accelerator - Turn key to pos ition ,,O". Notes - Prior to repeat ing the starting pruce ss , turn key in steering lock back to the stop. - Check oil pressure warning light ,mme tllately after starting.S hould the 0 11 pressu re warn ing light fail to go out , shut off engine immed iately and determine cause. - The eng ine sho uld never be shut off at a coolant temperature above normal (po inter of temperature gauge almost at red marking), e. g. after operat ion in mountainous areas, but should be allowed to idle for about another 1 - 2 minutes. Caution! Vehicles equipped with catalyst: In the case of erratic eng ine opera tion (e.g. misfiring) , run engine just for a short while and accelerate sparingly. Have fault eliminated at a MERCEDES-BENZ service stat ion. 38 3.3 Hand brake operation To release: - Pull lever slightly, dep ress button in hand brake lever and swing lever downward. To engage: - Pull lever firmly to the last poss ible catch. nine 1 It 111d 111,tkl:llever 11 in tit 3.4 Starting the vehicle and shifti ng gears Do not set off immediate ly after the first few engine revolutions! Caution! Immediate ly after setting off , test brakes (serv ice and hand brakes) on a d ry road affording good g rip. The brake is in good working order if the brake action of the wheels is equa l and if sufficien t deceleration is obta ined. Your sound judgement will tell you whether the vehicle is prepared for the road. There must be no oil or water on the brake linings. If water has penetrated to the brake shoes, apply serv ice brake with light pedal force until the requ ired brake action is restored. If even only one brake fails to work, stop immediately. 39 Gearshifting Man1,.1altransmission Vehicles 210 - 410 , 408 D, 410 D: We recommend startin g on level roads with 2nd gear. The 1st gea r is only necessary for starting on uph ill gradient s. Vehicles 208 D - 3 10 D: Start off in 1st gear. Engage reverse gear on ly at engme idle speed and with vehicle at a standstill. S1l1tungpattern on gearslutt lever (example ) MB automatic transmission The automatic transmission facil itates and simpl ifies the hand ling of the vehicle. Operat ing ranges are selected by means of the se lector lever. Within the se lected ranges , the ·gears are shift ed automati cally condit ional upon driving speed and acce lerato r pos ition. Shift to the desired driving pos1t1ononly with the engine idling . Release brake only when driving off. If a driving range 1s selected the vehicle might start off (creeping) premature ly. Acce lerato r positions Partial throttle = immediate upsh1fting = modera te acce leration. Full thr ottle = retarded upshift1ng = maximum acce leration. Kickdown: Depress accelerator beyond full throttle pressure po int = full throttle downshift = maximum acceleration. The transmission w ill shift down only if the driving speed is below the maximum speed of the next lower gear. I I I 40 Selecto r lever pos itions The selector lever pe rmits adaptation of the automatic shifting process to specific operating conditions. ,,P" Parking lock. The parking lock is an additional safeguard when parking the veh icle. Engage position ,,P" only with the vehicle stationary. ,,N" Neutral. The engine can be started only with the selector lever shifted to position ,,P" or ,,N". No power is transmitted from the engine to the rear axle. With the brakes being released , the vehicle can coast freely. Engage ,,N" only when the vehicle is stationary or moving at low speed. 1 tuli1111i1tutrans1ni ss10 1\ I, 1111h,vrn pos,t,on 1nd1ca1or on 1"1111,,111 µanel e. cted I ,,4" Normal position. All 4 gears are shifted automati cally and consecutively. Position ,,4" affords optimum driving characterist ics under almost all operating condit ions. 3" Transmission shifts up to 3rd gear only . Preferably used on slight uphill gradients to avoid alternate up and downshifting between 3rd and 4th gear and on slight downhill gradients in order to take advantage of the engine brak ing effect up to the maximum perm1ss1bleengine speed in third gear. Refer to marks on speedometer or tachograph . ,,2" Transmission shifts up to 2nd gear only. Preferably used on moderate uphill gradients to avoid alternate up and downshifting between 2nd and 3rd gear and on moderate downhill gradients in order to take advantage of the engine braking effect up to the maximum permissible engine speed in second gear. Refer to marks on speedometer or tachograph. only )ing) ,,1" Only 1st gear is at your disposal. Advantageous for the ope ration on steep uphill gradients and as brake downsh1fts within the permissib le speed range of the 1st gear on steep downhill gradi ents. ,,R" Reverse gear . Engagement and disengagement of reverse gear only with vehicle at standstill and engine idling . ,nly if I I 11,t umnl,c trnnsm,~s,on , It , 101 lever po s11, on 1nd1 c;at or beside 11l>o x Importa nt notes - When maneuvering the vehicle 1n limited space , control driving speed by gently 41 releasing the service brake. Apply acce lerator only sllghtly and do not pump the accelerator pedal. - For shor t stops, e. g. at a traffic light. leave selecto r lever in the driving posit ion and control vehicle with the brake. For extended stops with the engine running, shift to position .,P" or ..N". - On long uphill grad ients, particularly 111 case of heavy loads (ope ration with trailer) . select lower gear range 111tune. Engaging and disengaging differential lock Control lever of d,flerent,al lock 1 Disengaged 2 Engaged - The indicator light comes on or goes out only after the engag ing 'disengag ing action in the differential case 1s comp leted. - It may only be engaged when the vehicle 1s standing or travelling at low speed (walking speed). - Do not .engage lock while the dnve whee ls are spinning. - When starting off, acce lerate slowly. - Change direction slightly several times 1fthe indicator light fails to go out after the lock has been disengaged . Caution! Never dnve on a sealed road with the different ial lock engaged. 42 Engagement/disengagement of power take-off unp the Manual transm1ss1on ,osition mning , The pto is engaged disengaged by means of a shift lever: - lever to the rear = engaged - leve r pushed forward = disengaged. th Transmission with gearshift lock - The power take-off can be engaged only when the transm ission is in ne utral. - When the power take-off 1s engaged the transmission is locked. ging ,pee d after 11,1, l1qlH~ (exa111µle) II ,.,,11,atlock t,,11lr11k power take -uff Transmission without gearsh ift lock - The power take-off can be operated with the veh icle at a stands till or dnven 1n 1st or 2nd gear. Caution! When the power take-o ff 1s engaged, do not change gea rs while driving . Engagement /d isengagemen t With the vehicle at a stands till and the engine idling : - Declut ch (for approx. 3 to 6 seco nds ). - Engage (or disengage) power take -off. - Engage clutch. 43 3.5 Breaking in With regard to se rvice life , operationa l reliability and economical operation of the vehicle it is most important that the engine should not be run to the limit of its output during the break-in period. Break-In Instructions Up to 2 000 km (1200 miles) 180Nm 208 D - 310 D, 210 , 310 Disk wheel mounting bolts Vehicles with manual transmission Break in gently. Do not exceed 3 4 of top speed in each gear (refer to marks on speedometer or tachograph). Load : without trailer Vehicles with automatic transmission Break in gently . Plase avoid: High engine loads (driving at full throttle ), high eng ine speeds , avoid k1ckdown, 1f possib le; it is not recommended to brake the vehicle by means of manually shifting to a lower gear . Load : without trailer Over 2 000 km (1200 miles) Gradually increase to full speed . Wheel mounting bolts or wheel securing nuts 180Nm 408 D, 410 D, 410 Disk wheel securing nuts 44 Ret1ghten wheel securing bolts or nuts of new veh icles crossways after driving 50 km. Observe specified tightening torque! 3.6 General driving instructions he Oil and fuel consump tion depends on vehicle equ ipment, individual driving style and operating cond itions. Examp les Vehic le equ ipment: - tires (size, inflation pressure, condi tion), - body , air deflector , - drive unit ratios, - additional equipment (air conditioner, supp lementary heater, pto, visco fan). or ,oid Style of driv ing: - drive steadily at reasonab le speeds, being aware of the road in front of you (avoid frequent acceleration and dece lerat ion), - engine speed (shift gears on time). Operating conditions: - trailer and dump body opera tion, - hilly terra in, - city and short distance traffic, - vehic le loads, - engine operation with vehicle stationary , - frequent cold starts. For these reasons no precise statements can be made on the fuel consumpt ion of the individual vehicles. Max. oil consu mpt ion is approx. 1% of the fuel consumpt ion. Regular vehicle maintenance is one of the prerequisites for favorable consumpt ion . The drive whee ls must always be in firm contact with the ground (espec ially in off-the-road operations). If the wheels on one side of the live axle are spinning, serious damage to the diffe rential will resu lt because the load on the differential gears will then be excessive. Engage the differentia l lock, if provided. When driving, observe the gauges and control lights on the instrument panel from time to time. 45 Travelling downhill, the vehicle determines the engine speed and the governor cannot limit it. In such a case the driver himself must make sure that the eng ine maximum revolutions are not exceeded in the individual gears. Observe marks on speedometer or tachograph . Negligen ce may cause damage to engine or propeller shaft. Coolant temperature gauge Depending on the operating conclittons and the ambient temperature the operating tempera ture of the coolant during continuous operat ion may range from 85 to 110° C (pointer between white and red fields ). Should the pointer be in the red held tt1e vehicle must not be driven on. N54 001,, 01') Coolanl lemperaluru gauge Charge indicator light If the charge indicator light comes on wh ile the engine is running , stop veh icle , switch off engine and inspect poly -V-belt. Caution! Do not run engine without a poly -V-be lt. Indicator light - brake fluid , brake pad wear The ,,brake fluid and brake pad wear'' indicator light must go out when the engine has startet. The indicator light comes on: - when the fluid level in the reservoir 1s too low , - when the brake pads of the front wheel brake are worn. lnd1ca1or lighls (example) 1 Charge indic ator light 2 Brake fluid and brake pad wear 46 The fluid level can be too low: - if the hydraulic system is leaking , - if the brake pads1lining s are worn . Have brake system checked immediate ly! Braking 1r ne .son Whe n drivrng downhill for long stretches . use engine brak ing effect by engagrng a low-speed gear . )- Automatic brake ad1ustment on the rear axle drum brake: The brake shoes are ad1usted automat ically dunng braking whi le the vehicle 1s m ov ing (secondary shoes are adjusted when the vehicle 1s mov ing forward and pr im ary shoes during reversing). For this reason, app ly serv ice brake at intervals when reversing. at ing ,-, 1gine Parking 11 1,11k11w11h autu,nati c h1ak e acl1u~tm e nl Engage hand brake when stopping and µarking the vehicle. Vehicles equipped with MB automatic transmission: In addition to th is, sh ift se lector lever to pos1t1on ,.P". Secure a loaded vehicle or a veh icle parked for an extended per iod with at least one chock to prevent it from rolling away. Caution! On uph ill or downhill gradients of more than 15 % : - Secu re empty vehic le at front axle with a chock. - Secure loaded vehicle at rear axle with a chock. When parking a veh icle at nrght on public roads in built-up area, swi tch on pa rking or stand ing lights. Reflec tor panels can also be used for this purpose if perm itted by law. 47 3.7 Anti-lock braking system (ABS) Irrespective of the road condition the ABS prevents the wheels from locking as of walking speed, provided a speed of approx. 5 kmth (3 mph) has been exceeded once after setting off. Turn key in steering lock to driving pos11ion. The ABS indi cato r light on the instrument panel comes on . The indicator light must go out after the engine has started. A fault in the system 1s indicated 11the indicator light - fails to go out after starting off , - comes on while driving . 1 ABS 1nd1catorlight Then the ABS 1s deactivated , but the effect of the service brake is retained. Have system checked 1mmed1ately · Caution! 208 D - 310 D, 210 , 310 If the ABS has failed while braking the rear wheels may lock prematurely. Braking with the ABS system - The driver will notice the cutting-in of the ABS system by a slight vibration of the steering wheel and slight pulsation of the brake pedal. - In emergencies the brake pedal should be fully depressed. This ensures cont rol of all wheels and maximum vehicle deceleration. - Always declutch on slippery roads 1n order that the engine brak ing effect cannot affect the operation of the ABS system. The ABS system does not absolve the dr iver from the need to adapt his driv ing style to traffic and road cond1t1ons. The ABS will for example not protect you from the consequences of insufficien t bumper-to-bumper distance or excessive cornering speed. l111lo •1 ( I '11 1,u 48 3.8 Trailer Vehicles with trailer coupling (coupling Jaw) s of Jed Extreme care and cau tion must be used when coupling the trailer. Prior to the coup ling operation, the trailer must be braked and secured by chocks under the wheels and its drawbar must be se t to coupling height. Use caut ion when hand ling the drawbar - 1t may wh ip! No one must stand between trac tor and trailer when the trac tor is backing up! Following the coupli ng operation, cl1eck the pertinent locking device or indicator (fee le r pin or safe ty button) for proper sea ting of the trailer coup ling bolt. Vehicle with traile r coupling (ball head) lave I 1 lth•r 1.llllf)illlQ ,1t,1vknob f l.111rct1of,ulfuel 1s used , there will usually be no malfunctions at ambient temperaturw; a•; low tlS approx. -15°C (5°F). Trouble-fre e opera tron wrtl1 wmter-grade diesel fuel is general ly poss ible down to approx . -23 ' C ( 9 ti I ) as c.1result of the fuel preheater which is switched on when the vehicle hoatPr ,•• oporatrng. Depending on the am lill'nt tl'mperature, add a certain quantity of kerosene, or flow improv er rf only su ll1rnm c.lreselfuel or less cold-resistant winter diesel fuel is available or if the am l)l(mt temperature drops below -15 °C (5°F). However , the efficrency o f the flow improver cannot be guaranteed for every brand of fuel. Flow improvers can also be combined with regular gasoline or kerosene. Comply with manufacturers' recommendations. Every MERCEDES-BENZ service station will advrse you on approved flow improvers . Exceptionally , if no kerosene or flow improver is available , leaded or unleaded regular gasoline may also be used . Premium fuels must not be used for blending . For mixing ratio, refer to chart. The engine power may clrop depending on the proportion of supp lementary fuel. For this reason , keep percentage of fuel added to the minimum necessitated by the ambient temp eratur e. Percentage of supp leme ntary fuel : - Max. proportion of kerosene 50 % . - Max. proportion of regular gasoline 30 % (a maximum of 20 % for vehic les with fuel preheating system). 1 The use of kerosene 1n road vehicles 1s not permitted in some countries, e. g. UK. Therefore consult the authorities before such mixtures are used . Pour the additive into the diesel fuel before its fluidity becomes insufficient because of paraffin separation. Failures due to paraffin separation can be eliminated only by heatrng the entire fuel system . For safety reasons, only blend kerosene or regular gasoline w ith diesel fuel in the fuel tank. For this purpose, pour in kerosene or regular gasoline first and then diesel fuel. 55 Idle the engine for some time so the supplementary fuel can enter the entire fuel system Caution: Adding gasoline or kerosene will lower the flash point of the diese l fuel. This increases the dangers when this fuel mixture is handled. Comp ly with the respective safety regulations. Vehicles without fuel preheating system Ambient temperature oc (OF) Oto -10 to -15 to -20 to -10 -15 -20 -25 (32 to 14) (14 to 5) (5 to -4) (-4to-13) Summer diesel fuel % Supp lementary fuel % Winter diese l fuel O /o Supplementary fuel% 70 50 30 50 100 100 70 50 30 50 Vehic les with fuel preheating system Ambient temperature oc (OF) Oto -15 to -23 to -30 to 56 -15 -23 -30 -35 (32 to 5) (5 to 9) (9 to -22) (-22 to -31) Summer diesel fuel O/o Supplementary fue l % Winter diesel fuel O /o Supplementary fuel% 80 50 20 50 100 100 80 50 20 50 4.4 Capac1110~ ~ummary Model Capacities, approx. Service products Sheet No. 601 601.9 .. Engine oil , refer to section 4.1 602 602.9 .. max. 71 min. 51 max . 7,5 I min. 5,51 226.0 ,1/5, 227.0 / 115, 228.0 / 11213 102 102.9 .. max. 4,51 min . 2,8 I Engine oil , refer to sec tion 4.1 226.5, 227.5 Manual transmission • P.T.O. 711.1.. 2,3 I + 0,51 Automatic transmission fluid (ATF) or gear oil 236.2, 237 Automatic transmiss ion 722.3 .. 6,2 I Automat ic transmiss ion fluid (AT F) Dexron II 236.4 1, 236.6 , 236.7 74 1.406 , 741.437 741.404, 741.436, 74 1.438 , 741.439 741 .5 .. 1,5 I Hypo id gea r oil SAE 90 235 Manual steering 760.2 .. 0,5 I Steering gear oil 236.3 Power steering 765.5 .. 1,6 I Automatic tran smiss ion fluid (ATF) or steering gear oil or ea r oil 236.2, 236.3, 237 0,7 I Brake fluid (DOT 4 plus) 331.0 Grease nipples on chassis and body Multipurpo se grease 267 Batter}:'.terminals Bosch Ft 40 v 1 350 I 11c1111ewith OJIfilter Flear ax le HL 0: 1-1,7 HL O 2-2,2 HL O 3-3,3 Clutch and brake systems hydraulic sect ions , hydraulic different ial lock contro l system 1,8 I 1,8 I 1Not suitable lor severe opera ting cond111ons 57 Model Fuel tank Capacities, approx . Service products Sheet No. 70 I 208D-410D Diesel fuel, refer to section 4.3 132.1-132.3, 137 210 - 410 Vehicles with catalyst Regular-grade gasoline , unleaded , min . 91 RON182.5 MON 210 - 410 Vehic les without catalyst Premium-grade gasoline , unleaded , min . 95 RON/85 MON or premium-grade gasoline , leaded , min . 98 RON 88 MON Cooling system Eng ine 601 Engine 602 Engine 102 Windshield washer system headlight washer system 58 601.9 .. 602.9 .. 102.9.. 122.2 122.1, 122.2 71 71 Coolant , refer to section 4.2 310 325.1 7,5 I Coolant , refer to section 4.2 310 325. 1, 325.2 71 Water plus MB-wind shield detergent S in summer and detergent W in winter. Note mixing ratio. 371 5 Vehicle service and maintenance Like any other technical equ ipment, the vehicle requires service and maintenance . Scope and frequency of the serv ice work depe nd mainly on opera ting con ditions which, in turn, may vary to a consi derab le degree. The enclosed Maintenance Booklet inc ludes: - information on maintenance categories, - scope and frequency of maintenance work, - notes on warranty , - numb er of lubrication points, - Vehicle data card. The MERCEDES-BENZ se1v1ce station certifies the Jobs earned ou t in the Mainte nance Booklet. A small slicker. attached to the door post of the driver's doo r by the MERCEDES-B[Nl SC\1v 1ce statron, 1s a reminder of the com ing service or maintenance work . and main tenance wo rk. They cannot be Special skills are required for 111spec11ons taug ht within the scope of these rnstruct1ons. It is recomme nde d to have these jobs perfor med by the trained personne l which is at your disposa l in the large number of MERCED ES-BENZ service stations. Exper t service is guaranteed by exper rence and regu lar tech nical ins truct ions from the factory, by workshop equipment and service tools. Shoul d any service and maintenance Jobs have to be carried out on a do-ityo urself basis for organizalional reasons , mee t env ironmental protection requireme nts. For the disposa l of fuels. coo lants and lubrica nts for examp le, obse rve legislatio n. This also applies to tllo se parts whic h come into con tact with the fuels, coola nts and lubricants (e.g. filters). Ope rate stationary eng ine no tonger than necessary. When working on the vehic le, adhere to safety regulat ions. Floor jacks, lifting platfo rms or Jack stands may be positioned only under the front axle, below the rear axle housing, 1. e. at rear axle support tubes unde rneath the sp rings. Position double-pos t lifting platforms at the speci fied frame supporting po ints. Before lifting the vehicle, clamp 11to the suppo rt arms of the lifting platform. 59 Vehicle tool kit at RH side in rear of vehicle (example) Vehicles which do not correspond to standard spec ifications with respect to wheelbase, length of overhang, permissible axle loads and specia l structures over front and rear end must not be lifted up with a double-post lifting platform. In addition to this special regulations must be complied with. Any MERCEDES-BENZ service station will advise you according ly. All MERCEDES-BENZ service stations store the MERCEDES-BENZ original spare parts required for maintenance and repair work. Besides this bases are provided all over the globe intended to ensure the rapid supply of MERCEDES-BENZ original spare parts. More than 310 000 different spare parts, even for rather old vehic le models , are furthermore stocked in the central plant warehouses. We guarantee maximum operationa l efficiency and reliability as well as opt imum retention of the vehicle value when MERCEDES-BENZ original spare parts are installed, as they are subjected to most severe quality inspect ions. Each part tias been specifica lly developed, manufactured or selected for and adapted to MERCEDES-BENZ vehicles. In the Federal Republic of Germany and in a number of other countries certain parts are authorized to be installed or attached only if they comply with curren t legislation. This prerequisite is definitely met by original MERCEDES-BENZ parts. If other parts are used the operating permit may expire. For this reason, only MERCEDES-BENZ original spare parts should be installed . Vehicle tools and emergency equipment Depending on the vehicle model the vehicle tools are stowed: - in the assistant driver's seat base , - behind the assistant driver's seat base, - below the rear seat bench, - on the RH side in the vehicle rear end. Emergency equipment is attached to the driver's and assistant driver's seat bases. 60 5.1 Engine !>.1 1 Technical data nm D 308 o 408 Vt>h1cle I 11 1ne Nu of cy linders No of cylinders Bure 89 mm Stroke 1otal displacement 1 Comp ression ratio, approx. 0 ____ __ 2_1_ 0_0_1_3_10_0_14_1_0_0 __ (,() 1--" l)~ ~--- - -- 111111 - - - -------------- ~ l :>4 mm'---;.>;.>< Jg cm3 2 :> ---- ln1ec t1on o rder - ----- - ------ Poly-V-belt Vehicles w ithout power steering Vehicles w ith power steering Vehicles w ith power steer ing and air co nditioning syste m - 1 15 - 123 bar -----nt least 100 bar 1015 mm 2000 mm """"9-"2"--4_m _m "'---- --2874 cm3 22 - - - ------- 2_4_b_a_r _____ _ 70 (95) /3800 7_2...., (~9_8 ..... ) _14_0_0_0 _ __ _ _ _ 1_9_2_a_t_2_4_0_0 _-_ 2_6_00_ ,_m _i_ n_ ~ 7_0_0_ /_m_i_n _ ___ _ 3 - 4 _-_2_ _ _______ - - - -- - ----Used nozzles --' 6::..;0:..=2 :;.;. .9.::;. .C---"'-" 5 Min. compression pressure (~e_n~g~in _e_ w_a_rm _ e_d_u~p ~)- -----------~~==__ 24 bnr ___________ Brake horsepower 2 kw (HP) at 1!min Vehic les w1t11manual transmission b8 ( / 9) 3800 Veh icles with automat ic transm1ss1on 60 !82J 40_0_0_________ ___ _ M_a_x_._ to_r~g _ ue _ 11 _1_N_m ____ __ ________ ~ ~ 15_7_ .it ?000 - _2_8_0_0_m_i_n Idling speed /50 m_1 _n___________ E1ect1onpressure of iniechon nozzles New nozzles -- ., fl') _ 602 l>OI 1_-_ 2_-_4_-_ 5_-_ 3 ___ _ 115 - 123 bar - -----------at least 100 bar 1015 mm 2000 mm 2080 mm 1 88,76 ECC 2 80 1269 ECC (with mod1hca ho1188 195 EEC) 61 Vehicle En ine Model No of c linders Bore Stroke Total disp lacement Compress ion ratio , approx. Min . compression pressure (engine warmed up) Brake horsepower 1 kw (HP) at 1 min Max. torque in Nm Idling speed Firing order Ignition timing - basic setting Stroboscopi c check at idle without vacuum 102 102.9 102.9 4 95,5 mm 95.5 mm 80 ,20 mm 2 298 cm3 80 ,25 mm 2 299 cm3 9 8 4 8,5 bar 7,5bar 77(105) ,5 100 182 at 2 000 - 2 700 min 70 (95)/5 200 170 at 2 500/min 750 - 850 min 1-3-4 - 2 700 - 800/min 1-3-4-2 10° before TDC 10° before TDC Bosch H 8 DCO Beru 14 K-8 DUO Champion S 10 YCC 0,8 mm +0 ,1 0,8 mm +0,1 Vehicles without powe r steering 1 020 mm Vehic les with power steering 1 885 mm 1 020 mm 1 885 mm Vehicles with power steering and air conditi oning system 1 980 mm 1 980 mm Electrode gap Poly-V-belt 62 102 210/310/410 with closed- loop system catalyst Bosch H 7 DCO Beru 14 K-7 DUO Champion s 9 vet Spark plugs 1 210/310/410 without catalyst 80 1269 E[C (wllh m od 1f1 l..c1 h on 88 195 [EC) 5.1.2 Tlghtolllnq 011filter I f f t to, qu,.., 111N111 23 COV4 ., 25 011drain phHJ- 1111 p,111 Spark plug ':> 10 - 20 Hose clamp !i 2,5 5.1.3 Oil and filter ch,rnyo 1 011drain plug - t;ng1111: 60 1, 60 :! 011change should IJp pl'rfrn med immediate ly after an extended trip while the oil ,s st,11hot ,llld 111111 - Vehicles with no t!>l' Pnc.,1psulJt1on: remove engine covering. - Remove dipstick , extract oil with oil extrac tor or unscrew oil drain plug and drain oil. Clean d rain plug. 1 011drain pluy - eng111e 102 011filler - engine 601 , 602 Engine 60 1, 602 - Prior to removing the oil filter , place oil catch pan under oil filter hous ing. - Loosen but do not unscrew oil filter cover securing nuts. - Pull off cover from oil filter housing in order that the oil may drain. - Unscrew securing nuts of oil filter cover and remove cover. 1 Securing nuts 63 - Replace filter element and sealing ring. - Position cover while paying attention to proper seating of the gasket, turn in and tighten nuts. Observe tightening torque. Engine 102 Oil filter - engine 102 (example) 1 Center bolt 2 Oil filter cover Prior to removing the oil filter , place oil catch pan under oil filter housing. Loosen but do not unscrew oil filter cover center bolt. Pull off cover from oil filter housing in order that the oil may dra in. Unscrew center bolt and remove cover. Renew filter element and all sealing rings. Position cover while paying attention to proper seating of the gasket, turn in and tighten center bolt. Observe tightening torque . Engine 601/602/102 - Screw in and tighten oil drain plug. Observe tightening torque. - Fill engine with oil. - Start engine and idle for a short while . Observe oil pressure indicator light. The indicator light must go out after a few seconds . - Shut off engine. - Check oil filter and oil dra in plug for leaks. - Check engine oil level and top up oil to the upper dipstick mark. " I 64 5.1.4 Renowol of .,Ir cloonor clement Vehlcles with onglno 601 602 - Disengaqe lork1nq •,p1111q Turn spin on liltor rou11tnrclockw1se and detach . Clean filter hou•,111q Position new sp11101111111'1 on filter housing and tighten clockwise. Engage locking sp1lllCJCl1ock locking spring for tension and correct seating. Air cleaner - engine 601 602 2 Filter 1 Locking spring 3 Filter housing Vehicles with engine 102 - Open clamps of filter housing. - Detach filter cover and remov e filter element. - Clean filter housing , cover, gaskets and sealing areas . - Install new filter element in filter housing. - Replace filter cover. Check clamps for correct seating and adequate tension . Air cleaner - engine 102 (example) 1 Clamp Air cleaner - engine 102 (example) 1 Filter element 65 5 .1.5 Poly-V-belt The poly-V-be lt is automatically retensioned. Poly-V-be lt - check condit ion The belt may not be damaged or worn (e.g. transverse cracks, broken out V-sections , frayed or loosened tensile strands, pointed V-shape). Have damaged po ly-V-belts renewed Eny1ne102 Vehicle with out power steering Eng1ne102 Vehicle with power steering and air conditioning system 66 in a MERCEDES-BENZ Service Station. Operat ion diagram of poly-V-bell 1 Crankshaft 2 Three-phase alternator 3 Fan, coolan t pump 4 Idler pulley 5 Power steering pump 6 Refrigerant compressor 7 Gurdc pulley Engine 601, 602 Vehicle without power steering Engine 601, 602 Vehicle w1lh power stee ring and air cond111oningsys tem 5.2 Fuel system 210 - 410 The carburetor is set to optimum elflc1ency and most econom ical fuel consumption in the works . Caution : Have adjustments to carburetor and throttle linkage carried out at a MERCEDES-BENZ serv ice station only. Emission levels specified in emiss ion control legislation must 1101 bo exceeded. 208 D - 410 D 208 D - 410 D 1 Fuel prefilter (example) The injection pump require s no maintenance. Inspections and adjustmen ts should exclusively be earned out at MERCEDES-BENZ service stations. 5.2.1 Fuel prefllter Regularly check fuel prefllter for soiling (visual inspection). Replace , if required . Caution! Arrow on filter housing points in direction of flow. 5.2.2 Replacing the fuel filter element 208 D - 410 D 1 Securing screw 2 Fuel filter element - Unscrew secu ring screw of filter and remove filter element. - Replace sealing ring of securing screw and install a new filter element. - Finally bleed fuel system. 67 5.2.3 Bleeding the fuel system - Depress acce lerator pedal. Start eng ine. The fuel system is bled if the engine starts. 5.3 Cooling system Caution! Keep air intake free. Do not attach any pos ters , badges or other trim in the region in front of the radiator. The coo ling temperature is co ntrolled by one thermostat. The gradual rise of the coo ling tem pe rature above the usual leve l indicates a failure in the coo ling system. The cause may be lack of cool ing water, a clogged radiator , slack poly-V-belt, a faulty thermos tat or a defective Ian with fluid cou pling. Check coo ling and heating system for leaks at regular interva ls and renew hoses , if required . 68 5 .3.1 Checking radiator for soiling , cleaning Rad iator fins should not be clogged by dirt. Blow compressed air through the radiator , first from the fan side and then from front, or spray with water (unscrew radiator grille first). Use steam cleaner if badly contaminated. Note: Avoid damage to radiator fins, guide compressed air, water or steam jet at right ang les to radiator. ------~- ,-, 1 I Dra,11plug - rau,at o r (uxamp lui 5.3.2 Draining and replenishing coo ling system Remove cap of coolant expansion tank only if the coo lant temperature is less than 90 °C 194 ° F. 208 D - 410 D 1 Drarn plu y - enyrnu Draining: - Open water control valve of heater - Vehicles with noise encapsulation : remove engine covering. - Remove cap of coo lant expansion tank. - Uns crew drain plugs. They are located : on the underside of the radiat or, on the RH engine side. 69 - Having drained the coo lant, check 11the drain ports are clogged with res idua l matter. - Screw in drain plugs. Filling: - Fill with coo lant to tt1e marking in the filler neck. - Replace cap of the coolant expansion tank and tighten to the stop. - Start engine and run lor approx. 1 minute at varying speeds. - Shut off engine and remove cap ol coolant expansion tank. - Top up with coo lant to the marking in the filler neck . - Replace cap of the coolant expansion tank and tighten to the stop. 210 - 410 1 Dra111 plug - engine 5.4 Clutch T he clutch is adj usted automat ically. Adjustments or repa ir s should on ly be earned out at a MERCEDES-BENZ se rvice station. 70 5.5 Transmission 5.5.1 Manual transmission Tightening torque 111Nm Oil drain plug 70 ± 15 ~--[·, 011 level chock and oil change Prior to unscrewing tho sc row plug, carefully clean surrounding area. Change oil immediately after an oxtt•nded trip while it is still hot and thin. Vehicles with noise encnpsulat1on: remove transmission covering. Manual transm1ss1on 1 Oil filler hole - o,I level 2 Oil drain plug Oil level check: - Unscrew oil filler plug . fhe 011 leve l in the correctly filled transmission reaches the lower edge of the filler hole in the transmission housing. - Add oil through the filler hole, 1f required. - If the oil level is checked with the transmission at operating temperature , do not allow any emerging 011to drain. - Clean, screw in and tighten oil filler plug. Draining oil: - Unscrew oil drain plug and oil filler plug. Power take-off : Unscrew oil drain plug . - Clean oil filler and drain plugs, screw in and tighten . Filling with oil: - Pour oil through the filler hole in the transmission housing until the level reaches the lower edge of the filler hole. - Clean, screw in and lighten oil filler plug. Cleaning breather Clean exterior of breather on the transmission housing as otherwise pressure deve lops in the transmission housing which may cause loss of oil. 71 5.5.2 MB automatic transmission (optional)) Caution! Engage hand brake and move selector lever to gearshift position ,,P" when working on a vehicle with automatic transmission whose engine is idling. Tightening torques in Nm Oil pan securing screws Oil filter securing screws Oil drain plugs Engine cover opened (example) 011hller pipe - automatic transm1ss1on 1 D1psllck 2 Locking lever 7 4 14 Oil level check Check oil level with the vehicle parked on level ground. - Run engine for approx. 1 - 2 minutes. - Pull up locking lever on dipstick and leave up for the check. - Check oil level on dipstick with the engine idling. The transmission oil level varies with the oil temperature. If the transmission is at operating temperature (80° C·176°F), the oil level should be between the dipstick lower and upper marking. If the transmission is cold (20 to 30°C /68 to 86 ° F), max. oil level should be approx. 10 mm below the lower dipstick marking. Notes: - Absolute cleanliness must be observed. The slightest impurity may cause operating troubles. - To wipe the dipstick, do not use any woollen fabric (risk of fluff). - To top up, use special tool or a funne l with a fine-mesh strainer. 72 Oil and filter chnngc Change 011 11nmL•tlt,1tl'ly 1111 •1 .1111•xt,.ndPtl tnp while ,t is still hot and thin. Draining 011from tlm 111111•. 1111 •,•,1or1 - Unscrew 011tlr,1111 11l11t1 ,11111t lr.1111 011 Draining OIi from lilt • IOI qui• I llllVl'l l{!I - Rotate torque co 11 vt•1t1>11111111 t111• drain plug in the opening of the torque converter hous111~1 lJ1•cor11,.., v1~1l)le - Unscrew drain pluq .mcl 1ltt1111 011 - Renew sealing nnq s - Screw in and tighten ml p1u11 Observe t1gt1ten111q to, qui' Automatic transrrnss,011 1 O,I dra,n plug - trans,niss,on 2 011drain plug - torque conve, ter Filter change: - Detach oil pan ancl 1.IP,lll - Renew filter. - Check oil pan gaskPt for clwnage and renew if required. Attach oil pan. Observe tighten1119 to ,qut>s Filling with oil: Use special tool or a funnel with fine-mesh strainer. - First pour 1n approx 4 illPr s of 011through the oil filler pipe. - Start engine and run 11al 1clle. - Pour in the rest of tt,e 011while the engine 1s running. - Shift selector lever tl11ougl1 all positions and return it to position .,P". - Inspect 011level while the engine ,s operating. Add oi l, if necessary. - Check transmission and lines for leaks . 73 5.6 Front axle 5.6.1. Tightening torque in Nm Spring U-bolt 80 5.7 Rear axle 5.7.1 Tightening torques in Nm Spring U-bolt Rear axle cover Rear axle 1 Identification plate 80 40 - 50 5.7.2 Oil level check and oil change Prior to unscrew ing the screw plug, carefully clean surrounding area. Change oil immediately after an extended trip while it is still hot and thin . Oil leve l check : - Unscrew oil filler plug . The rear axle is filled correctly if the oil leve l reaches the lowe r edge of the filler hole in the differential. - Add oil through the filler hole , if required. - Should the oil leve l be checked with the front axle warmed up , do not allow any emerg ing oil to drain . - Clean , screw in and tighten oil filler plug . Draining oil: - Unscrew oil drain plug and oil filler plug . - Clean, screw in and tighten oil filler plug. Rear axle 1 Filler hole - 0 11 level 2 011drain plug 74 Filling with oil : - Pour oil through the filler hole in the differentia l until the oil level reaches the lower edge of the filler hole . - Clean , screw in and tighten oil filler plug. 5.8 Steering For safety reasons, perform mc1111tenance Jobs at regular intervals. Such work demands Spt-ctnl skills a11clshould on ly be carried out at MERCEDES-BCNI s111vtt1• s t,1t1olls Power steering: In case of emergellcy . , u wlioll the hydraulic system fails, the vehicle can continue to be stecretl w1t11111tmasedeffort because the mechanical power transmiss ion rs reta111etJ 5.8.1 Technical data Toe-in (measured on 1111•whoe_l _11.:.:.a ,_19.,_e.::..)'--------- - -----=-0-' +=--.:2::....; Camber 1° + 20' Kingpin inc lination 5° + 20' Caster 5.8.2 Tightening torques Pitman arm mountinJL_ 2° 30 ' + 20' 111Nm 400 Tie rod adjus ter clamp 45 - 55 Con ical join ts - tre rod 90 - 100 75 5.8.3 Checking oil level Manual stee ring - LHD-vehicles Turn stee ring whee l all the way to the left . - RHO-vehicles Turn steering wheel all the way to the right. - Clean area around screw plug before unscre wing the plug! When the steering gear 1s co rrectly filled , the 011 level 1s 35 - 45 mm from the upper edge of the ftlfer hole. Power steering - Regularly check the 011level 1n the power steering reservoir . - With the engine running the 011leve l must be between the upper and the lower d 1pst1ckmarking . Manual steenny Eng,ne cornpa rt1nent flap opened (example) 1 Filler and oil leve l Ch(!c;k plug Eng,ne cornpartmenl flap opened 1 Power steering oil rese rvoir - 011 d1ps11 ck 76 5.8.4 Checking the toe-in For all measurement s on the front axle, posit ion vehicle on a perfectly level surface. The tires must be inflated to equa l pressure . Looseness in wheel bearings , tie rod ends and drag link end s must not be tolerated . The toe-in may be checked on an empty or loaded ve hicle . - To measure toe-in {steering in straight -ahead po s1tton), mark measuring points on the rim flange in front of the axle at wheel center height, using chalk or co lored pencil. - Measure the distan ce between the se two points . - Move the vehicle ba ckwards or forwards 1 2 wheel rotation and measure the distance between the two points which are located behind the front axle . The difference in measurement between the distance of the two points before and after the wheel rotation 1s the amount of toe- in. - Toe-in 1s adju sted by pushing one end of the tie rod out of the stee ring arm by means ot a pusher (special tool ). Aim for a toe -in of ,,O" as this mea ns minimum ttre wear . Observe torque to which the nuts have to be ret1ghtened. 5.9 Wheels and tires 5.9.1 Tighten i ng torques 1nNm Whee l mounting bo lts or securing nuts 160 - 180 5.9.2 Spa re wh eel loca tion Spare wheel below chass is frame end: Vehicles 208 D - 310 D, 2 10, 310 Spare wheel below chassis frame end 208 D - 310 D. 210, 310 (example) 1 Protection caps 2 Securrng nuts 3 Spare wheel earner - Pull off thread protection caps . Comp letely unscrew securing nuts on LH side. Hold spare wheel earner. Completely unscrew securing nuts on RH side. Lower spare wheel earne r. Unscrew securing screw and remove spa re wheel. Vehicles 408 D, 410 D, 41 O - Turn out secu ring nuts. Lift spare whee l carrier. Swing sec uring bo lts outwards. Lower spare whee l carrier. Unscrew sec uring sc rew and remove spa re whee l. Spare whee l below cargo body: - Unscrew the sec uring screws. - Remove spare wheel from the side and unscrew spare whee l from carrier. Spare whee l below chassrs lrarr,e end 408 D, 4 10 D, 410 1 Securrng nuts 2 Securrng bolls 3 Spare wheel carrrer Spare wheel below cargo body 1 Securrng screws 2 Spare wheel earner 77 5.9.3 Wheel change For tool kit, refer to page 60 . Caution! When changing wheels, observe: - Tire load capacity (PR) - Tire inflation pressure, refer to ,,Tire pressure chart" (last page). Make sure the vehicle cannot roll off. Positioning the jack at front end : - Under the pertinent spring , directly in front of the front axle. Positioning the jack at rear end: - At the rear axle below the support tube , under no circumstances under the differential housing. Be cautious when removing the wheels. - Do not damage the threads on the bolts when removing or installing the disk wheels. - Before disk wheels are posit ioned , remove rust and dirt from contact surfaces of the wheel hubs, brake drums , rims and wheel mounting bolts or securing nuts. - Apply some graphite paste to bolts or nuts in order to avoid ,,jamming " of the wheel mounting b"olts or wheel securing nuts. Jack - tron1 axle Disk wheels centering via spherical spring washers and wheel studs: - Prior to posit ioning the inner wheel (twin wheels) make sure all spherical rings are properly seated. - After having positioned the outer wheel, screw in and tighten two to three wheel stud nuts together with spherical spring washers. - Make sure wheel is correctly centered (wheel bo lts exactly in the center of the wheel disk holes). - Position and tighten remaining spherical spring washers and wheel stud nuts . •• Jac k - rear axle 18 ~~~-------'= The mounting bolts or securing nuts of a changed wheel must be checked after 50 km (30 mites) and retightened, if necessary. Thereafter periodic inspections will do. - Wheel mount ing bolts or securing nuts are to be tightened crosswise. Observe tightening torques! 5.1 O Brake system 5.10.1 Checking the br ,1ke lines Regul arly check llr.1k1• luH", for h•.ik •, ,111dbe sure they are in good condition . Brake lines show111ql' Vl'n 1111111 11 e in pos1t1ve contac t with each other . •111 , m,1ke sure all power consuming units are well For return ol llw 1 11111 groundecl - Damaged c c11Jl11i. 11111 •,t lHJ 111sulatedby means of insulating tape. - Faulty fuse~ 11111•,1 l u• 1Ppl,1(mt instead of repaired . - Be sure to 1l1mov1•11111r ,u1se of a burnt out fuse prior to replacing the fuse . Replace used t,p.111• 111•,Ps - Prior to perfo11rn11qwork on the electrical system, the negative H bat te ry terminals mtist lH• rl1•,<01111octedfrom the battery posts. ,A IA ter lnwnt 1i, of Porcfnrl11H• of the low beam is determined by subtracting LOntal cente rline (distance between headlight 30 cm from the lm i1ull,s 111lllf' volm..lP for emergencies. Headlights H 4 12 V 60 55 W or 12 V 45 ,40 W Parking lights 12 V 4 W Rear fog light , tw n r,1q11.1lr., stop light s, backu~lll Tail light s C,tr ·lm•,l I : t It.I1)1 I 1 ., j ~~ SW I Ii l, S2 I 0111•,' I"it'1~11 1~ 0_'.k)j lnll I.Sswl r~ 1s• I 11 11- fl WA<--, I.Ssw/ltws l 1,Ssw 9J ~FS I j~FL 81JSA·O.w/g•j 10 ..,~-"~:, II, 1~w rt/ws l 31 ,rn 1,S lsw rt SW I, 1 1 ... 66 ..L 7 L r Ii I I SW SW ge f, lI T 1 1l' tr br 15brlsw -.- - -,- - Ill I I gr gn rl rt J, flll/6 SW tit y I 1 ... br... br br ... 6L ..L 8 ~ 9 118 89 ..L 1 br BL 111111 ... lbr... ~r·~a~ PL Le JP S P3 31 3ta 1 gr gn rt tlll/7 T II/S tws/, t _t---;, E1Lt E15t 1l' 10 1 lws /rt It I bl ..L I '?[ • 1C77 1gr/gn rtlg-/g,rt -{ss i; lsw 1 E12~ E13~ 65 106- 1,t-+--- 15 .~ ~ .M t 't· rl L G lsw tll/3 SW 11114 31 rt \5 t 19, (Jc Additiona l fuse a b Ground . fuel gauge Connection ' C ·11umination d connector ,Connection . , clampe . I1 . es , termina 3 w1r 101 Key to wiring diagram , supplementary hot-air heater 210 - 410 H1 M M2 N1 N2 S1 a b C Operation indicator light Fuel pump Supply unit Contro l unit Heater Switch Additional fuse Ground Connect ion, fuel gauge illumin ation Connect ion, clamped connector , 3 wires, terminal 1 ,' -,. ~l---+- -+----4~+- ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~-~~----l Nl M2 , , SW 102 n a 5.12 Chassis and body 5.12.1 Inspection and mai nt enance of tra iler coupling (Comply with manufacturer 's spec ificat ions) - Clean trailer coupling and lubricate with multipurpose grease. - Check whether the fastening bolts which attach the trailer coupling to the frame roar cross member and the frame rear cross member to the frame are tight and rellghten them if nec essary. 5.12.2 Adjustment of dropsl de loc ks Adiustment of dropsidse locks 1 Locking bolt Open drops1de lock. 1urn loc king bolt to the right (screwing in). Close dropside lock and check holding strength . If the required strength is not attained , repeat procedure . 5.12.3 Lubricati on fo r lubrication use only high pressure grease guns not exceeding a maximum pressure of approx . 250 bar. Grease guns without safety devices may damage bearings, seals, etc. - Carefully clean lub rication nipples prior to the lubrication service . - Depending on the operating condit ions , grease steering knuckle pins and propeller shaft more frequently. - Lubricate spec ial bodies and equipment in compliance with manufacturer's instructions. 103 5.13 Vehicle cleaning and care - Use an ample supply of water to wash the vehic le. Do not wash it in direct sunlight. - Use dry-cleaning gasoline (not automotive fuel) to remove grease stains. - Brush down heavily soiled aluminium drops ides with water to which a non-alkaline detergent may be added. - For cleaning steering wheel, gearshift lever, soiled upholstery and floor covering in the cab, use only warm water with dish washing detergent or washing powder for delicate fabrics . Do not use scouring agents. - Clean seat belt webbing with lukewarm water and soap. Do not apply any chemical cleaning agents. Do not dry the webbing at temperatures above 80°C/176° F or in direct sunlight. Never bleach or redye the webbing. - Apply some talcum to glass channels , window weatherstrips and door rubber seals. - Have the chassis thoroughly cleaned and inspected prior to the performance of major maintenance work. - After cleaning the vehicle , especially if a steam cleaner or grease solvents were used, lubricate chassis according to the Maintenance Booklet. - Brake hoses must never be painted or cleaned with gasoline , benzol, kerosene or mineral oils. Clean hoses only with water. Be sure not to apply any sprays or grease to the brake hoses when spraying or lubricating the vehicle. All chassis components and the undersection of the driver's cab are exposed to outside influences (stones , gravel) and chemical reactions (melted snow, road salts). - After the elimination of any (corrosion) damage, repair paintwork, PVC undersea! and wax preservation. Every MERCEDES-BENZ service station will advise you accordingly. 104 5.14 Preparing the vehicle for storage Storage for up to 12 month periods Every MERCEDES-B ENZ service sta11 011w,110111•1 clrtt,uled rnformation. - Thoroughly clean chassis, engrne ancl 1111q11u1 c rn11partment as we ll as inside and outside of body. If possib le, park vo lm lo 111i l dry and airy garage. - Fill up fuel tank comple tely . - Grease all lubrication points in acco r,t,1nrn with tlH' <;poc,hcatio ns in the Maintenance Bookle t. - Increase the tire inflation pressure by app rox. 2 1);11 ,1hove the spec ified level to prevent flat spots on the tires. - Cove r up tire s to protect aga inst sun 's rays - Check coo lant level and antifreeze protectron 111 ,tc•r to sPctrons 3.1 and 4.2 . - Change engine oil and filter. See section 5. 1.3 Fill with initial opera tion oil. Note : If the 500 - 1 500 km/300 - 900 miles 11) ~port 1011has not been performed ' 011level, refer to as yet , oil and filter need not be changed. Check unq111t section 3 .1. - Slacken poly-V-be !ts. - Seal air intake port , tai lpipe and component brea thers a1rt1g11t. - Chec k paintwork for damage and repair . - Spray chass is, engine and engine compartment wrth preserva tion wax. If necessary , spray paintwo rk and chromium-plat ed parts wrth outer skin protection wax. Note: Only use approved brands of outer skin protection wax and preservat ion wax. - Pos ition whee l chocks to preve nt the vehicle from rolling away . - Release park ing brake . - On vehicles with ma nual transmi ssion, lock clut ch in de clutched position. - Detach negative batte ry term inals. Regu larly service batte ries wh ich are not in use. - Coat terminal posts with acidproo f grease. 105 - Recharge batteries once a month or charge continuously at 0.06 A. - Discharge and recharge every 3 months. - Check electrolyte level. Battery life , however , is limited , no matter how well the batteries are serviced. Storage for more than 12 months or under difficult conditions (e .g. in tropical countries) Every MERCEDES-BENZ service station will readily advise you. 5.15 Preparing the vehicle for service after storage Every MERCEDES-BENZ service station will provide deta iled informat ion. Before operating such a vehicle , observe the following : - Inflate tires to specified pressure . - Tension poly-V-be lts. - Remove clutch locking device . - Remove all covers from air intake port , tailpipe and breathers of components. - Check oil levels in steering gear , transmission and live axles . - Drain oil from engine and fill eng ine with approved eng ine oil. Refer to sections 4. 1 and 5.1 .3. Use initial operation oil if the 500 - 1 500 kml300 - 900 miles inspection has not been performed yet. - If the paintwork had been sprayed with outer skin protection wax, perform special depreservation measures. - Check coolant level and antifreeze protection. Refer to sections 3.1 and 4.2 . - Connect batteries . - Start engine . Check oil pressure . Inspect hoses and lines for cracks and leaks . - Test function of electrical system , air condi tioner and supp lementary heater . - Check brake efficiency. 106 I"" tullow111g~ucJ9el> t1011swill help you to cope with roadside failures It 1s then purpose to enable you to dnve your vehicle to a MERCEDES-BENZ service station where possible malfuncttons will be eliminated. The following suggestions are to facilitate troubleshooting . They are not intended to substitute the work of the expert who will eventually eliminate the cause of the malfunction. These recommendations cannot be considered exhaustive. 6.1 Engine and fuel system Engine will not sta rt (208 D - 410 D) Fuel tank almost or comp letely empty - Fill up and bleed the system , refer to sect ions 3.1 and 5.2.3. Fuel line or fuel tank strainer clogged - Clean and bleed the system, refer to section 5.2.3. Clogged fuel prefilter - Renew prefilter, bleed the system , refer to section s 5.2.1 and 5.2.3. Clogged fuel filter - Renew filter element, bleed the system, refer to sec tions 5.2.2 and 5.2.3. Fuel system leaking - Seal the fuel lines, bleed the system . refer to section 5.2.3. Ambient temperature below 0°C (32 ° F) - Observe winter operation instructions, refer to sec tions 3.9 and 4.3 Engine will not start (210 - 410) Fuel tank almost or completely empty - Fill up, refer to sections 3.1 and 4.3. Fuel pump fails to feed - Consult workshop. Carburetor nozzles clogged - Consul t workshop. Ignition system faulty - Check whether spark plug cable terminals are properly seated on spark plugs and all cables are tightly connected . - Spark plugs - check gap and cond1tion, refer to sections 5.1.1 and 5.11 .8. Moisture (condensate) 1n ingntt1on distributor - Check ignition distribu tor; wipe housing cover with dry cloth. 107 Hard starting or engine stalling (208 D - 410 D) Clogged fue l filter - Renew the filter element, bleed the system, refe r to sections 5.2.2 and 5 .2.3 . Fuel tank vent restricted - Clean. ~ Overflow valve in the injection pump does not hold the developed pressure 7, - Consult workshop. Engine oil pressure warning light comes on Check engine oil leve l, see section 3. 1 - Too little oil in the oil pan: Top up, see sec tions 4.2 and 4.4. - Oil level correc t Caution! Do not run engine. Consu lt workshop. For towing vehic le, see section 6.10. Lack of power (208 D - 410 D) Lack of fuel - Renew filte r e lement , bleed the system , re fer to sections 5.2.2 and 5.2.3. Full-load stop is not reached - Consult workshop. Insufficient air supplied at high engine speeds - Service or renew .air cleaner element , refer to sect ion 5.1.4. Engine overheats Not enough coo lant in the coo ling system - Add coolan t, chec k system for leaks , refer to sec tions 3.1 and 4.2 . Faulty thermostat - Replace the rmostat. Poly-V-belt broken - Renew poly-V-belt, consult workshop . Coo ling system clogged - Consult workshop. Exterior of radiator soiled - Clean exterior of radiator, refer to section 5 .3.1. Fluid coup ling of fan de fective - Lock fluid co uplin g , renew fan after a max imum of 1 000 km (600 miles), refer to section 6.9. 108 Black exhaust smoke (208 D - 410 D) Air cleaner element obstructed - Clean or renew, refer to section 5.1.4. Faulty injection nozzles - Consult workshop. Start of delivery wrongly adjusted - Consult workshop. Excessive quantity of fuel injected - Consult workshop. Engine cannot be shut off (208 D - 410 D) Vacuum system faulty - Shut off engine by hand , refer to section 6.8. 6.2 Clutch Clutch slips Clutch facings worn or covered with grease or oil - Consu lt workshop. Clutch dragging Air in the hydraulic system - Check system for leaks, replenish, refer to sections 3.1 and 4.4. 109 6.3 Steering Hard steering (manual steering) Steering knuckles not lubricated - Lubricate. No fluid in steering gear - Check steering gear for leaks , add fluid, refe r to sections 4.4 and 5.8.3. Hard steering (power steering) Low fluid level in the system - Check system for leaks , add fluid , refer to sections 4.4 and 5.8.3. Poly-V-belt broken - Renew poly-V-belt, consult workshop. Power steering rattles when being turned Air in the hydraulic system - Check system for leaks, add fluid , refer to sections 4.4 and 5.8.3. Poor centering Steering knuckles not lubricated - Lubricate . Excessive free play - Consult workshop . Tires underinflated - Inflate to correct pressure . Incorrect toe-in - Correct, refer to section 5.8.4. Wrongly adjusted front wheel bearings - Consult workshop . Low fluid level in the system - Check system for leaks , add fluid , refer to sections 4.4 and 5.8.3. Air in the hydraulic system - Check system for leaks , add fluid, refer to sections 4.4 and 5.8.3. 110 6.4 Brake system "Brake fluid" indicator light comes on during operation Caution! Stop immediately - Diagnose cause , refer to section 3.6. "Brake fluid " indicator light comes on while braking Brake pads are worn - Have brake pads renewed , consul t worksho p. Uneven braking action Worn tires - Exchange, refer to section 5.9.3. Tires underinflated - Inflate to correct pressure. Worn or oily brake pads/linings - Reline brakes , consult workshop . Faulty hydraulic system - Consult workshop . No or insufficient Vacuum brake booster defective - Consult workshop. Too little brake fluid in hydraulic system - Check hydraulic system for leaks, co nsult workshop . Air in hydraulic system - Consult workshop . Worn lining, grease on lining - Reline , consult workshop . braking action Hand brake not releasing Hand brake cable stuck - Consult workshop . 111 6.5 Electrical system Starter will not crank the engine Battery flat or defective - Recharge or replace, refer to section 5.11.4. Battery terminals loose or corroded - Clean terminals, coat with acidproof grease , tighten firmly , refer to section 5.11 .4. Cable loose or faulty - Tighten or rep lace. Starter defect ive - Consult workshop . Generator charging control light will not come on (with engine shut off) Burnt-out bulb - Replace. Open circuits in wiring - Tighten connections or replace wiring. Generator charging control light remains on (with the engine running) Regulator or alternator faulty - Consult workshop . Poly-V-belt broken - Renew poly-V-belt , consult works hop . Preglow Indicator light will not come on (208 D - 410 D) Burnt-out bulb - Replace . Open circuits in wiring - Tighten connec tions or replace wiring . Preglow time relay defective - Renew preg low time relay, consu lt workshop. Glow plug(s) faulty - Replace glow plug(s) , consult workshop. Battery discharged or damaged - Recharge or renew , refer to section 5.11.4. 112 6.6 Supplementary heater Heater motor will not start Battery discharged or damaged - Recharge or renew, refer to section 5.11.4. Fuse defective - Renew fuse. Commutator or carbon brushes worn - Consult wokshop. Heater wlll not Ignite, control unit shuts off automatically Fuel tank almost empty - Refuel , switch on supplementary heater approx. 3 times. Ambient temperature below 0°C (32 °F) - Comp ly with measures required for winter operation, refer to section 3.9. Fuel pump will not feed - Consult workshop Supplementary hot-water heater: Glow plug faulty - Consult workshop. 113 6.7 Jump starting If the battery is flat the engine can be started with jumper cables (minimum lead cross section is 25 mm2) and the ( 12 V) battery of another vehicle. Proceed as follows: - Turn key in steering lock to position ,.O" . - Run engine of jumper vehicle at high idle. - First connect jumper cables to the positive battery terminals and then to the negative terminals. - Start engine as normal. Refer to section 3.2. - After the engine has started , first remove jumper cable from the negat ive battery terminals and then from the positive terminals. Eng,ne c over open 11 d 1 Stop lever on 1niec 1,o n puinµ (exampl e) Notes : - Only use slave cables with insulated term inal clamps. - A flat battery can freeze at approx . -10 ° C. In all cases it must be thawed out before jumper leads are used . - Never lean over batteries while jump starting, you might get burnt. - 210 - 410 Vehicles with catalyst: Only jump start when the engine is cold and the catayst is cooled down. Should the eng ine fail to start within a few seconds, discontinue starting attempt Avoid repeated starting attempts. Consult workshop . 6.8 Shutting off the engine when the vacuum system is faulty Open engine cover and push down stop lever on injection pump until the engine stops . 114 6.9 Fan with fluid coupling If the fluid coupling fails, rigidly connect the fan with the pulley. Caution! Do not crank the engine by grabbing the fan. - Place the sheet tabs opposite to the pulley recesses. Bend some of the sheet tabs in the recesses (e. g. with a screwdr iver). Have fluid coupling replaced at a MERCEDES-BENZ service station as soon as possible (max. 1 000 km600 miles). Locking of fluid co upling 1 Sheet tab (exampl e) 115 6.10 Tow-starting and towing the vehicle For towing, leave engine running, if possible , to allow the power steering to become effective and to supply vacuum to the brake system. A bogged down vehicle whose driving wheels have dug into soft or muddy ground, should be towed out with utmost care, especially when the vehic le is loaded. The vehicle must not be pulled out jerkily or at an angle - especially sideways because the chassis of the vehicle might be damaged. Never pull out a vehic le together with the trailer. A useful piece of advice: using the rear coupling jaw, pull the vehicle out backward along its original track, 1fpos sible. 1 Towing eye, tronl Towing In case of engine damage Vehicles with manual transmission: Towing distance up to 100 km (60 miles ). - Shift transmission to neutral. - There are no restrictions for towing the vehicle. Towing distance more than 100 km (60 miles) - Remove propeller shaft to the live axle. Vehicles with automatic MB transmission: Towing distance up to 50 km (30 miles) . - Move transmission selector lever to posit ion ,,N" . - Do not exceed a towing speed of 40 km 'h (25 mph}. 1 Towing eye , ,ear 116 For a towing distance of more than 50 km (30 miles). - Remove propeller shaft to the live axle. In case of transmission damage - Remove propeller shaft to the live axle. In case of front axle damage - Lift front axle. In case of rear axle damage - Lift rear axle. Tow-starting 208 D - 41 O D - Tow-start the vehicle only with the batterie s connected. Vehicles with man ual transmission: - Insert key in stee ring lock and turn to driving position. The preglow indicator light must go out. - Dec lutch, engage 2nd or 3rd gear, tow-start vehicle, engage clutch slowly and actuate acce lerator until the engine starts firing. Vehic les with automatic MB tran smission: - Insert key in steering lock and turn to the driving pos111on. The preglow indicator light must go out. - Move selector lever to transmi ssion neutral (pos111on,.N"). - Tow-start engine. Maintain a towing speed of 25 km h (15 mph) with a cold transmis sion and 40 km/h (25 mph) with a warmed up transmission to ensure sufficient fluid pres sure in the transmission . - Move selector lever to position ,,2". - Actuate accelerator only after the engine 1sdriven by the transmission. - If the engine starts firing, return selector lever to the neutral position immed iately (position ,,N"). Caution! Should the engine fail to fire within a few seconds, shift to neutral again and repeat tow-starting action. 117 Tow-starting 210 - 410 - Tow-start the vehicle only with the batteries connected. - Tow-start vehicles equipped with catalyst only with engine cold and the catalyst cooled down. Vehicles with manual transmission: - Insert key in steering lock and turn to driving position . - With the engine cold, pull out choke control completely. - Declutch, engage 2nd or 3rd gear, tow-start vehicle, engage clutch slowly and actuate accelerator until the engine starts firing. Vehicles with automatic MB transmission: - Insert key in steering lock and turn to the driving position. - Move selector lever to transmission neutral (position ,,N"). - If the engine is cold, depress the accelerator completely once and release. - Maintain a towing speed of 25 kmth (15 mph) with a cold transmission and 40 km h (25 mph) with a warmed up transmission to ensure sufficient fluid pressure in the transmission. - Move selector lever to position ,.2". - Actuate accelerator only after the engine is driven by the transmission. - If the engine starts firing , return selector lever to the neutra l position immediately (position ,,N".). Notes: - Should the engine fail to fire within a few seconds, shift to neutral again and repeat tow-starting action. - Vehicles equipped with catalyst: Should the engine fail to start within a few seconds, discontinue tow-start ing. Do not attempt tow-starting repeatedly. Consult workshop. 118 Tire pressure chart Tire pressure in bar Front axle Axle loads in kg (refer to identification plate) Tires PR 1 350 1 400 175 R 14 C'N 175 R 14 C N 185 R 14 C N 185 R 14 C N 205 R 14 C N 215R14CN 6 8 6 8 8 8 3.75 3.25 2.75 2.75 1 500 1 700 Rear axle Axle loads in kg (refer to identification plute) 1 400 1 500 1 680 4.5 3,75 4.0 4.5 2 030 2 210 45 •I/1 '1.0 4.G 3 200 4.0 4.5 3,75 4.0 3.0 2.75 4.5 3.75 3.25 3.25 3.2!:> 4b Top speed for summer and winter tires is 140 km h (87 mph) Your MERCEDES-BENZ service station will give you more information on winter tires . Caution! The tire inflation pressure changes by approx. 0.1 bar whenever the ambient air temperatu1e cllanuos IJy IU 9 C., ( 10• 1 ), This must be kept in mind when checking the inflation pressure in a room of diflerent wnbient te111po,atur1l,p.11tic11U.11ly during the cold season Examp le: = approx. 20°c (68°F) Room temperature = approx. 0°C (32°F) Outside temperature Inflation pressure to be set = specified tire pressure + 0 .2 bar.